Universitas Negeri Surabayais a higher education institution that has a big role and potential to increase national development, community empowerment, and community welfare based on Pancasila. This is infused by Unesa into a vision, mission, goals, and functions as described in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 92 / O / 2001 concerning the Statute of the Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Unesa's Strategic Business Plan. Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 93 of 1999 concerning the change of the IKIP Surabaya to the Universitas Negeri Surabaya Article 2 of the document states that Unesa organizes educational and non-education programs (wider mandate & multi-mission institution). In this regard, Unesa has the following duties: (1) to organize academic and / or professional education programs in several disciplines of science, technology, arts, and culture, and (2) to develop education, teacher training, educate academic and professional staff in education.
Regarding the explanation, Unesa is an inseparable part of the components and social life which has a strategic role in realizing general welfare and educating the nation's life, especially in the fields of education and non-education in the broadest sense. In addition, as the implementer of the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi (education and teaching, research, and community service), Unesa has sufficient human resources, from various disciplinary backgrounds (both education and pure science), and the availability of supporting facilities. adequate.
Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number: 50 / KMK.05 / 2009 dated 27 February 2009, Unesa is a public university that implements Public Service Agency Financial Management (PK-BLU), which allows Unesa to gain flexibility in its financial management, especially from the source of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). In general, BLU aims to: (a) improve services to the community in order to promote general welfare and the intellectual life of the nation, (b) flexibility in financial management based on economic and productivity principles, and (c) the application of sound business practices. All of the descriptions above have actually been incorporated into Unesa's vision, mission, objectives, program objectives and policy direction. The vision of Unesa as stated in the Unesa Business Strategic Plan is Excellent in Education, Strong in Science. This vision is further embodied in a mission formulated as follows:
1. Organizing learner-centered education and learning by using an effective learning approach, and optimizing the use of technology.
2. Carrying out research in educational sciences, natural sciences, socio-cultural sciences, arts, and / or sports, and technology development whose findings are beneficial for the development of science and social welfare
3. Disseminating science, technology, cultural arts and sports, as well as research results through community service oriented towards community empowerment and culture
4. Realizing Unesa as a center of education, especially primary and secondary education as well as a scientific center based on the noble values of national culture
5. Carrying out an autonomous, accountable, and transparent governance system for higher quality assurance and continuous quality improvement.